

Argentina -- Austria -- Afghanistan -- Algeria -- Azerbaijan -- Bangladesh -- Belgium -- Brazil -- Burkina Faso -- Burundi -- Congo -- China -- Canada -- Costa Rica --Czech Republic -- Ecuador -- Egypt -- France -- Gambia -- Ghana -- Georgia -- Greece -- Guatemala -- India -- Iran -- Irak -- Italy -- Ivory Coast -- Kazakhstan -- Madagascar -- Mali- Mauritania -- Mexico -- Morocco -- Pakistan -- Poland -- Portugal -- Qatar-- Romania -- Russia -- Dominican Republic -- Senegal -- Spain --Switzerland -- Taiwan --Thailand -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Turkmenistan -- Ukraine -- Uruguay -- Uzbekistan -- United Arab Emirates -- Vietnam


We were the first to introduce Vovinam VVD in Algeria in 1999. However, since the spreading of Integral Vovinam Fighting System in 2010, we have several clubs in Algeria.

Then, since 2020 we have restructured the Integral Vovinam entity in Algeria, called as in other countries "Integral Fighting": After many months of work, Master Rachid Nasri, the Technical Director for Africa decided to pass the responsability by forming a National Algeria Committee of Instructors.

Recently, one of our representatives in Algeria Mister Adel Hadji has done a great job to promote Integral Fighting System, as well as MisterTawfiq Bechta who are both working hard to spread our style in Algeria..



Photos album Integral Vovinam

Children belt examination in Algeria 2024
Children belt examination in Algeria 2024













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Integral Vovinam World Federation
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