integral vovinam
  Techniques - Ground fighting
Vovinam's ground fighting

Integral Vovinam is guided by a profound need to folllow the 21st Century Improvement wave. Nowadays, almost all the big Martial Arts styles on the planet are adapting to the ground fighting. Even Judo and Karate in Western countries are modifying their rules because they are losing thousands of members who prefer to sign-in in some more modern forms of fight, like MMA fights.

Vovinam does not have to do great efforts to do so, as we already have ground fighting techniques. Master Nguyen Loc has adopted, since the beginning, the Japanese arm-locks and leg-locks in his Vovinam system of fighting. However, in 1941, it was impossible to say publicly that his style had been influenced by Japanese JuJutsu, for the simple reason that in 1941 the Japanese army invaded his country. How come could he advance that his style was created using some techniques coming from an ennemy's land?

Those times have changed, fortunately. Furthermore, during the 60's, some members of the Vovinam headquarters, in Vietnam, were Judo/jujutsu instructors. They might also have brought techniques improving Vovinam significantly.

Vovinam's own way of ground techniques
We are not talking of a simple introduction of "foreign" techniques inside Vovinam. The Vovinam principles (the original ones from Vietnam) are explaining that we must study other martials arts, Vietnamese or foreigner, and extract the essence of these styles to adapt them to Vovinam. That's what we do in Integral Vovinam.

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Ground Fights
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