integral vovinam
  Competition RULES
Ground fights

The main advantage for this kind of fight is the absense of dangerous throwing techniques. Therefore there is less risk of injuries.

Furthermore, the veteran category is extended with age sub-categories (40 to 49 years old ; 50 to 59 years old ; 60 to 69 years old), as well as weight categories, which allows elders to have a competition life too!

The rules for Ground fights are almost the same as the ones for Vat Wrestling, but as ground fights start from the keeling stance, there are some differences. (For example, a contender is eliminated for standing on the 2 feet during the fight). But, excepted few articles, the rest of the Rules and Regulations is based on the same way of refereeing as the Vat Rules and Regulations.


Ground Fights
English version


Combat au sol
French version

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Ground Fights
English version















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