The Vovinam of the 21st Century  

National Seminar in Morocco 2017

Following the organization of the 1st International Integral Vovinam Championships in Morocco (February 23th, 24th, 25th 2017) , Master Rachid Nasri directed a National Seminar in preparation for the National Moroccan Championships that will be held in Morocco later this year.

So many people signed-up the gymnasium was crowed. Master Rachid Nasri is one of Master Patrick Levet's best friends, often considered by him as his brother in life. Master Rachid Nasri has done a wonderful job in Africa for Integral Vovinam, and especially in the Arab speaking countries.

During the seminar, a special training was done for kids, as well as an intensive training for referees.

Note: Master Nasri has recently passed with success the examination session for Red belt (4th Dang) in the City of Temara, Morocco, on February 22nd 2017, the same day Master Oleg Petrakovets (Russia) also passed the Red Belt 1st stripe examination. A particularly hard examination, according to Master Oleg Petrakovets, it was a much harder examination than the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao session.








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